Connecting suppliers (after import)

Connecting suppliers (after import)

Linking of suppliers cannot be reversed.

Linking supplier to the bulk update

1. In the menu on the left, click on 'Bulk updates'
2. Click on the sub-menu item 'Link suppliers & Brands'

3. Under column 1 (Supplier) you will see the unlinked suppliers. Select the right supplier from your existing supplier list (column 2) or the right supplier from the database (column 3).

Remove the suppliers in the second or third column that you DO NOT want to merge with. For example, this wrong match:

4. Have you gone through the full list? Then click on the button at the bottom to merge the suppliers.

Manually linking a supplier

1. In the menu on the left, click on "Suppliers".
2. Click on the arrow behind the 'View' button at the supplier that is not yet connected.

3. Click on the option 'Merge'
4. Type (part of) the name of the official supplier and click on the search icon or Enter key.
5. Then click on the supplier to link with.

The supplier is now directly linked. Go back to the overview of all suppliers to see this and link another supplier.

More information about linking suppliers

If the previous POS system is imported, all suppliers are also in the system.
However, suppliers also have their own account in PrismaNote.
Therefore, the imported supplier must be linked once to the official account of the supplier.
This way you can also see the products of its brands in the database. Follow the roadmap above to do this.

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