Employees Setting & Rights

Employees Setting & Rights

This is the manual for setting up and using employees.

Currently there are 3 fixed 'rights profiles' available. These cannot be adjusted yet.
In the coming weeks, this functionality will be further expanded and become more flexible.

Below is an explanation:
General: This account has no rights, but serves to log in to the devices in the store.
Sales Representative: Has access to the 'checkout', 'transactions', 'services', 'Weborders' and can only view 'Assortment'.
Owner: Has all rights.

Establishment of the generalLogin account

First, it is important to set up one accountas a general account.
Allows you to log in to the devices in the store.
This account has no rights and serves as the basis forThen select a user with specific rights.

The account withthe rights 'General' have no rights, but this login is safer than thePIN code per employee. Therefore, it is important that the password of thisaccount is only known to users with higher rights.

1. At the top, select a user with the rights of"Owner."
2. Click on 'Employees' in the menu
3. Click on the 'Edit' button behind the relevant account

4. Set the rights profile to 'General'
5. Make sure that "Homework/PINs Off" is disabled.
6. Make sure that the Active switch is turned on.
7. Click on the 'Save changes' button at the bottom

Setting up employee rights

- Give the users who need to be able to do everything the rights profile 'Owner'.

Ensure that all employees with more rights (rights profile: 'Owner'), have set up a PIN. Otherwise, it is still possible to see this data.

- Give users with limited access the rights profile 'Sales employee'

Turn off the 'homework' flag for all employees present in the store OR have no PIN. This ensures that you do NOT get an employee selection modal.

Activating employee select pop-up

Automatically, the system can ask to select the employee.
This can be set by taking the following steps:
1. Click on 'Shopping settings' in the menu
2. Click on the 'Employee access' tab
3. Check 'Employee should always be chosen when opening' under 'Cash_register' (top right)
4. Click on the 'Submit' button at the bottom

5.Click on the 'Checkout' tab (also in Store settings)
6. Set the "Lock the checkout after each transaction" switch to active

7. Under this section, click on the 'Save' button

Let the User with higher rights work from home

For a user with higher rights who wants to work from home, it is best to do the'Homework/PINs off' are enabled.
You will no longer see 'select employee' pop-ups. However, it is currently useful that this account is not used in the store at the same time.

Only users with a password can log in at home. You can enter a password if you create a NEW COMPANY or if an existing employee does NOT yet have a POWER. A password can only be changed via prismanote2.com homepage.

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