To count the stock, take the following steps:
1 In the menu, click on 'Inventory / Stock count'
2. Find or scan the first product of the article group you want to inventory.
3. Click on the product that appears to add it.
Next, the article group in which this product is located will appear.
4. Click on the 'View all article group products' button to see all counted and uncounted products.
Would you rather make an inventory per supplier?
Then click on the button 'View per supplier' under the search bar so that it is activated.
You can then click on the 'All supplier products' button or on the arrow behind it to view the count per article group.
5. A new screen will appear. Products can also be searched or scanned here.
By clicking on the 'Not Counted' or 'counted' tab, the products can be shown in this category.
If a product is scanned or added thenmove the product to the category "Tolded" category.
At the bottom of the page you will see the total.
6. Is the article group fully counted? Click on the 'Report' button to make the stock change.
A new pop-up will appear. Click here again on the 'Report' button again if you are sure you want to change.
All products (so also under 'Not counted') are then dated. So have you counted products 0 or a lower number than the current stock? Then this will also be adapted.
The overview with all article groups is then displayed again. Behind the relevant article group, is now the label 'Controlled' instead of 'Uncontrolled'.
Start inventorying again
1. At the top of the search bar, click the "Mark everything as not implemented" button.
2. Then there are two options:
Click the 'Mark checked groups as not checked' button to change all labels 'controlled' to 'Not implemented'. You can then proceed with the counting of the products.
Click on the button 'Start the inventory (remove if necessary. existing counts)' to remove all counts and really start over.
A few tips:
Use "Enter" to search. You can use barcode scanner if it also works in the checkout.
It is possible to count an article group and continue later.
To change article groups, do so as much as possible before you start counting.
Do you have different article groups that are similar? Count these groups together and only then execute the counts.
When changing article groups / using the checkout during the inventory, check whether the count of this article is correct.
After you start counting, click one of the groups below to see the articles that have not yet been counted from that group.
This feature works best if you have a barcode scanner connected to a laptop. You can also use an iPad with a more advanced wireless scanner.