Programming barcode scanner

Programming barcode scanner

PrismaNote supports the use of a barcode scanner in a number of places. We try to expand these places as much as possible.

In principle, it is possible to use any barcode scanner, but it must be configured correctly. For the scanners we supply ourselves are special barcodes that you can scan for the right settings.

If your scanner is not listed here, please consult the manufacturer's manual or website for the correct settings. The scanner must send its commands as follows:

  1. CTRL+B or STX (Start of Text)
  2. The scanned barcode
  3. Enter

We do not support barcode scanners that are not provided by us.

Configuration barcode for the Zebra DS2278

1.Connect the USB cable to the drive, and place it next to the PC.
2.Put the scanner in the station.
3.Connect the USB cable to the PC.
4.Let the scanner charge for at least 30 minutes.
5.Take the scanner and scan the barcodes below.

6.Wait 5 seconds.
7.Scan the mini QR code on the back of the drive.
8.Wait 5 seconds.
9.Then scan the barcode below to configure the scanner for PrismaNote.

10.Wait for the scanner to stop making noise and then place it back into the drive.

The scanner is now ready for use.

Configuration barcode for the Zebra DS2208

1.Connect the USB cable to the scanner.

2.Then connect the USB cable toThe PC (preferably)Notin a USB hub).

3.Wait for the scanner to stop soundingmakes.

4.Scan the barcodes below.

5.Wait 5 seconds.

6.Scan the barcode below toConfigure the scanner for PrismaNote.

7.Wait for the scanner to stop soundingmakes.

The scanneris now ready for use.