Quick buttons / Shortcuts

Quick buttons / Shortcuts

Quick buttons are the extra buttons in the checkout.

Create quick buttons

1. Click on "Shopping settings" in the menu

2. Click on the tab 'Checkout'

3. Click or scroll to the "Quick Buttons" section

4. Click on the "New" button

5. A new screen will appear. Enter the product number you would like to select or use.

6. Click on the product that appears (and proceed to step 8) or click on the green button to create a new product (and continue with step 7).

7. After clicking on the green button, additional data must be entered.Fill in:

  • Sales price of the product
  • Purchase price of the product
    • Dynamic:Purchase price is standard margin 2 and can be adjusted in the checkout under the 'More' button per transaction.
    • Static:Purchase price and margin can be set (and cannot be changed per transaction).
    • No profit:The purchase price is always the same as the selling price.
    • No purchase price:The purchase price is always 0.
  • 'This button is for' (Select the desired article group where you want to track revenue)
    • Stock:A product that is in stock. Find and then select the desired article group
    • Frequent repairs:Choose this option when it comes to a service and you want to show this turnover in a separate article group (this is useful if you want to know specifically how much revenue you are making through this button).
    • General repairs:Choose this option if you want to show this turnover in the general article group for repairs.
    • Orders:Choose this option if you want to show this turnover in the general item group for orders.
    • Other:Find and then select the desired article group.

Does the article group not yet exist in the option 'Stock' or 'Other'? Check the checkbox 'Create Article Group'.For example, if you want to display the turnover in a separate group via this button, you can create the article group "Battery change". Do you want to put the turnover of this button in the same group as the 'Repair' or 'order' button at the top? Then select the General Repairs or Orders option.

Then click on "Next."

8. In the last step, you can adjust the following data:

Name of quick button: What text do you want to show on the quick button in the checkout?

Price: What price do you want to show on the quick button in the checkout (The price is used in the previous step)?

Type: The Normal option is a positive amount. The Return option makes a negative amount of it.

Keyboard shortcut: Do you want to add the shortcut directly to the transaction via a key on the keyboard, if you are in the checkout?

9. Then click on the "Create" button.

Change or remove the quick button

1. Click on "Shopping settings" in the menu

2. Click on the tab 'Checkout'

3. Click or scroll to the "Quick Buttons" section

" Click on the edit icon behind the shortcut you want to customize.

â€" Click on the trash icon behind the quick button you want to remove.

Change order of quick buttons

1. Click on "Shopping settings" in the menu

2. Click on the tab 'Checkout'

3. Click or scroll to the "Quick Buttons" section

4. Click the arrow behind the quick button you want to move

5. Happy with the new order? Click on the "Save order" button

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