Create purchase order and book products

Create purchase order and book products

Create purchase order

1. Click on 'Purchase Orders'.
2. Click on 'New'.

3. Find and select the desired supplier or click on the 'None/internal' button to add products that you create yourself.

It is important that the supplier has also been added to the brand at retail institutions so that you can find the products.

Add products

4. Type the product number or scan the EAN number in the correct search field.

5. Press Enter or click the search icon to start the search.

Explanation of the results (the screenshot below)

Number 1:Press this green button, if you want to create your own product with the product number you entered in the search field.
Number 2:Here the products that you have (had) in stock of this product number are shown. Click on the button 'Use the same article no.' with the right product if you see it. With the 'duplicate icon' you can use the same product information and, for example, create a different variant.
Number 3:Here the products are shown from the central database of the brand. Is the product not listed (2)? Click on the right product if you see it here.

Is the product number you are looking for does not yet appear in the database? Then another button appears under the green button (number 1)

6. Click the option/article you want to add.
7. A new window opens. Select the appropriate article group.(Do you want to create a new article group? In the menu on the left, click 'Article groups​".)

8. Enter the received (and ordered) number.
9. Enter the selling price.
10. Fill in the purchase price.

It is also possible to fill in the other data, but this can also be done at a later time.

11. Click on the 'Save' button.

Change products after adding

After saving (step 11) the product is added as a rule.
- Click on the 'eye' icon to reopen the product to change.

- After changing, click on 'Save' again.

Remove products after adding

- Click on the 'trash can' icon to remove the product from the purchase order.

Above the products, click the "Show Deleted Products" switch to show the removed products.

By clicking on the 'return' icon, the product is added to the purchase order.
Remember to re-add the number of the product.

Book additional discounts and costs

On the purchase order it is also possible to book a payment discount or extra costs.
- Scroll to the lower part of the purchase order.

- Fill in the desired amounts.
- Click on the green button 'Apply payment discount to each record'.

Add serial number

Do you want to give each product a unique serial number?
- Click on the 'Serial Number' button after a product has been added to the purchase order. You can click as often as the 'ordered number' of the product.
- Enter the serial number in the field.
- Click on the 'Save' button after the serial numbers have been added. You can then re-edit it.

Book the products and increase stock

After increasing the stock, the purchase order can no longer be adjusted.

12. All products booked? If necessary, check the prices and numbers on the purchase order.
13. At the top, click on the 'Book' button and click on the 'Up stock' option.

This purchase order then has the status 'rounded' and can no longer be adjusted. Make a credit invoice and new purchase order to make stock changes.

14. At the top, click on the 'Print' button to print the labels of all products on the purchase order.

By clicking on the print button behind the specific product, one label can be printed.

A new window will appear.

15. If necessary, adjust the number and select the desired label layout.
16. Click on the green button 'Print'.

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