Start of webshop

Start of webshop

In this article, we give an overview of the steps we take to put a new website live.

1. Conversation with Support to discuss the wishes for the website / webshop. For example:
  1. Only make a reservation button or also online checkout possible?
  2. What to take over from the current website and what is not necessary?
  3. Other things to take into account?

2. We make a proposal from the website and send it to the e-mail address provided.

Do you create the website yourself in the website builder? Ask for support to publish the website under a test link, so that the website can already be seen here.

3. Respond with desired adjustments.

4. To put the website live, there are two options. Check out the manual.
  1. We change the DNS data at the current hosting company. Your current email will remain set as it was. You will continue to receive an invoice from this company for the registration of the domain name and the hosting for e-mail management. This takes about 15 minutes.
  2. We move the domain to our hosting provider and transfer the historical emails. You will receive an invoice from us (' 10.00 per month) for registration of one domain name and hosting for e-mail management. This takes about 24 hours.

5. The website is then visible under your own domain name. It takes about 1 hour for the SSL security certificate to be generated. It takes up to 24 hours for the website to be optimally accessible.

6. Are there any adjustments needed? Open the website builder or contact support.

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