Processing repair

Processing repair

After the creation of a repair it can be processed and settled later.

Open repair page

- In the menu, click on 'Services' and then the heading 'Repair'.

- Search the repair pouch number or scan the voucher (with the project number).
- Click on the 'View' button behind the relevant repair.

With the filter icon behind the search bar you can also filter in the overview.

Repair status and fields explanation

Once you have opened the repair, you will see several input fields.

Remember to click the 'Save Changes' button after the changes to save the changes.

With the statuses you can easily indicate at which stage the repair is. You can also filter on this in the overview.

It is not mandatory to use all statuses. Also, the customer and supplier do not receive automatic e-mail messages when changing statuses. The customer only automatically receives a confirmation when ingestion.

Below is an explanation of the most commonly used statuses.
New:The repair is yet to beMade
In treatment:The repair started
Quotation:The customer would like another quotation before the repair is started
To be repaired:The customer agrees with the price and the repair may be started
Inspection:The product has been repaired and needs to be inspected again
Finished:The repair is ready to be picked up by the customer
Delivered:The repair was picked up by the customer
Cancelled:The repair has been cancelled

Informing the customer

This is explanation to change a customer or add to a transaction or service.

Has a customer been added to the repair and have the contact details been filled in?
Then it is possible to inform the customer that the repair can be picked up.

- Select the desired contact method by clicking on the icon of phone, email (@) or WhatsApp.
- Click on the arrow icon behind the price to open the desired communication channel.

Always check the final price. This will be done during the collection of the repair.
For WhatsApp, you can set a default message via the Store Settings menu -> Checkout -> Customer Settings menu.

Repair delivery and possibly checkout

Below is the explanation of how you can deliver the repair and possibly pay at pickup.

There are 2 ways:
- Via the cash register
- Via the repair page

Repair delivery via checkout
1. Click on the 'Transaction' button behind the search bar

2. Scan the repair number or type in the repair bag number and click on the 'Search' button
3. Click on the 'Open' button behind the relevant transaction
4. A new window opens. Make sure the repair is checked and the option 'Remaining payment'

Are there multiple products associated with this transaction? Then select only the checkmark for the repair.

5. Check the total amount and click on 'Open'
6. Pay for the repair with one of the payment methods. Even if the amount is 0.

The repair is now automatically given the status 'Delivered'.

Repair delivery via checkout
1. Open the repair page (see steps at the top of this page)
2. Check the total price and click on the 'Checkout' button (even if the customer has to pay 0).

3. Go through steps 4 to 6 of the roadmap above (delivery repair via checkout).

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