Order product without stock

Order product without stock

Open the checkout via the dashboard or menu.
Select a customerby clicking on the 'Customer' button.

Sales product without stock

1. Check that the 'Order' button is selected (colored green).
2. In the Search bar, type the supplier's product number and press enter to search. You only search the database of brands added to store settings.
3. Click on the product that appears. Is there a product with EAN code? Always select this product.

Always check the selling price. It may happen that it has changed at the supplier, but has not yet been dated in the database.

4. Is there no product coming up or do you not want to use it? Type the text you want to show on the receipt in the search field (2) and click on the text 'Use this input'.

Confirm article group and supplier

For the statistics it is mandatory to select an article group and supplier. If these are not yet known for this product, the following pop-up will appear:

By clicking on the X icon behind Order, another article group can be filled in.
By linking an article group to a supplier, it is also filled in automatically.

Change product information

Explanation of the fields
Quantity:You can change the number by pressing the + or - icon.
Normal / Return:By default, this field is set to Normal to sell the product. By selecting Return, a product is received from the customer again and money goes out of the cash register.
Name:This is the completed product title.
Description:This is the description visible to the consumer
Note for service partner:Description for supplier bon. Not visible to consumers.
Supplier:Linked to a supplier for information and statistics.
Brand:Linked to a brand for statistics.
Pocket number:An extra number of, for example, a (repair) bag to organize the incoming product in the store.
Price:The selling price per piece including VAT.
More button:If you want to process a deposit or purchase price for this product, this can be adjusted below.
Pay later:By turning on this switch, you can create the transaction without paying immediately.
Features:These are filled in by default, if you select a product. This is to link the statistics to specific product characteristics.
Taxes:The selling price remains the same, but the price is processed inclusive of or excluding VAT.
Phone, Email, WhatsApp icon:Select the consumer's first preference to contact us about the order.
Photos button:Take or upload a photo.
X button:Remove the selected product from the transaction.


Then pay for the order or make a deposit. Read more aboutCheckout at the cash register.By turning on the switch "Pay Later" switch, you can create the transaction without paying.

Customer page (order from Services)

This page can be found if you click on "Services" in the menu or via the customer page. To keep the customer informed, to print and pay vouchers. The order works the same as theRepair.

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