Explanation of the fields
Quantity:You can change the number by pressing the + or - icon.
Normal / Return:By default, this field is set to Normal to sell the product. By selecting Return, a product is received from the customer again and money goes out of the cash register.
Name:This is the completed product title.
Description:This is the description visible to the consumer
Note for service partner:Description for supplier bon. Not visible to consumers.
Supplier:Linked to a supplier for information and statistics.
Brand:Linked to a brand for statistics.
Pocket number:An extra number of, for example, a (repair) bag to organize the incoming product in the store.
Price:The selling price per piece including VAT.
More button:If you want to process a deposit or purchase price for this product, this can be adjusted below.
Pay later:By turning on this switch, you can create the transaction without paying immediately.
Features:These are filled in by default, if you select a product. This is to link the statistics to specific product characteristics.
Taxes:The selling price remains the same, but the price is processed inclusive of or excluding VAT.
Phone, Email, WhatsApp icon:Select the consumer's first preference to contact us about the order.
Photos button:Take or upload a photo.
X button:Remove the selected product from the transaction.