Setting up payment methods

Setting up payment methods

Using standard payment methods

For among others. Cash andBank payment(On account), there are standard payment methods that can be turned on or off.There are other features associated with this, so use these options instead of creating your own payment methods.

1. Click on 'Shopping settings' in the menu
2. Click on the "Checkout" tab and click or scroll to the "Payment Methods" section
3.Under the "Default payment methods" section, you can edit them via the gear icon.

Cash = Cash
Bank payment = Bank payment
Paylater = Pay later
CASH_IN_SAFE (cash in safe) = Money deposited to the safe instead of. The bank

By activating the 'Show in checkout' switch with these methods, they can be used in the checkout.

Add payment methods

Do you want additional payment methods (for example, a breakdown of card type)? Create your own payment methods with these steps.

1. Click on 'Shopping settings in the menu

2. Click on the "Checkout" tab and click or scroll to the "Payment Methods" section

3. Click on the "New" button on the right.

A new screen will appear.

4. Enter the desired name, such as "Credit Card", "Maestro", "Maestro", or, for example, the name of a local discount card.

5. Select the options you want. Below is a brief explanation:

Inventory reduction:Does the stock need to be debited, if this payment method is used? (It is usually turned on).

Invoice:Do you want to use this payment method for invoices? (It is usually turned on).

Show in cash register:Do you want to show this method in the checkout? (Enable by default to use the method and usually stays on). Will it be set to "No"? Then this button is still visible via the 'More' button under the payment methods in the checkout.

Awarding loyalty points:Do you want customers to receive loyalty points when this method is used? (Usually on unless the payment method is a discount card).

Use of terminal:This makes it possible to link the payment method to a payment method of the PIN device.

Turn on the 'Use terminal' switch on one payment method that you want to link to the PAY pinter terminal. Look at the specialHelp article for setting up the pinterminal link.

6. Click the Create button.

Arrange payment method

The payment methods in which 'Show in cash register' is checked can be arranged.

1. Click on "Shopping settings" in the menu

2. Under the "Checkout" tab, click on "Payment methods"

3. On the right, click on the "Ranking" button

4. A new screen will appear. Click a method, hold down the mouse button and drag it in a different order.

5. Finally, click on the "Save" button.

Removal of payment method

1. Click on "Shopping settings" in the menu

2. Click on the "Checkout" tab and then click or scroll to the "Payment Methods" section

3. Click the red trash can icon behind the option you want to remove.

Is it a standard payment method (without trash icon)? Then click on the gear icon and turn off the option 'Show in checkout'.

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