Upload / read invoice invoice

Upload / read invoice invoice

Do you work with a digital invoice (a .TXT, a .XML or a .DAT file) or have you received a PDF invoice? You can book it easily. A scanned PDF does not work.

1. In the menu under "Purchase Orders", click on 'Upload file'

2. Click on the button to specify which format file it is.

3. Find and select the desired supplier in the field that appears.
4. Click on the text 'Select the file'

5. Select the file on the computer and wait for the next screen to appear.

It depends on the file how the columns are arranged. Therefore, the required actions may vary per invoice. Is the information not neatly displayed and is it an invoice that the supplier always delivers in this way? Send the file with an explanation to support@prismanote.com. Our development team can then make adjustments for invoices from this specific supplier.

Explanation interface:
- In the first row, the type of the column can be selected.
- You can immediately make adjustments in bulk via the 'Choose' field and the 'Apply Action' button.
- By selecting a few columns or rows, the bulk adjustments to this data are made.

6. At the top of the column, click the field to select the correct data.
Product number, purchase price, quantity and item description (name) are mandatory.

7. At the top, click on the 'Choose' button and click on 'Clean text'.
8. Then click on the 'Apply action' button

It is possible that the sale price or purchase price is displayed without point or comma.
Therefore, take the next step.

9. Select the option 'Add points to price column' and click on the 'Apply Action' button.

Points are then added for the two decimal places.

With the options 'Mark records as...' it is also possible to select various rows such as shipping costs or gift / display packaging.

10. Are the columns correct? At the top right, click on the green button 'Next'.

11. A new screen will appear. If necessary, fill in the extra fields (Shipping costs, Gift packaging etc.) In.
12. Select the brand behind the product. By working from top to bottom, different brands can easily be added.

Is the right brand not listed yet? Click on the text 'My brand is not listed' and open PrismaNote in a new tab. Then add the brand at store institutions.

13. Click on the 'Next' button at the top
14. A new screen will appear. If necessary, check the switches, but in most cases you can immediately click on 'Next'
15. Select the brand behind the product. By working from top to bottom, different article groups can easily be added.

Is the right article group not listed yet? Click on the text 'My article group is not listed' and open PrismaNote in a new tab. Then add the article group.

16. Click on the 'Import' button at the top
17. Wait until step 4 is loaded. Next, check whether the system wants to match the products with the right database products.
If there is no result, you can still try to adjust the product number and press the search icon under 'manual search'.

18. Select all products by clicking on the top selection field. You may not be able to select products that you do not want to link to the database product.
19. Click on the 'Connect' button
20. An additional window may appear that the product number has not yet been built correctly. Check if this is the case and then click on 'OK'.
21.Wait for the charging incoon to stop (connecting the products) and until step '5. To order' orange is colored. Then click on this button.

Now the purchase order appears to possibly adjust something, increase the stock and print labels. See the full process in this help article about product booking.

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