Shopping system without import

Shopping system without import


Are you going to start with PrismaNote and no data needs to be transferred from another system?
Go through this implementation process for a smooth start.

All steps of a successful start

Now go through the implementation steps to get started.
More explanation is given per step below.

1. You will receive a login from PrismaNote
2. Fill in a short form for the label and receipt
3. Fill in your company details
4.Create your employees
5. Add your brands and suppliers
6. Create article groups (and revenue groups)
7. Create shortcuts in checkout
8. Create payment methods at checkout
9. Create workstations & install Printhelper on computers
10. Let all employees do the course
11. To be done after setting up the account

1. You will receive a login from PrismaNote

You will receive a login received yet? Mail

Need hardware?Order and receive the hardware in consultation with our representative. The system does not require a separate server, for example an old label printer can interfere.

2. Fill in a short form for the label and receipt

Together with PrismaNote Support, the receipt, order form, repair note and article label must be set. Fill in thisThis formin for support.

3. Filling in company data

1. Click on 'Shopping settings' in the menu
2. Under General Settings tab, fill in the details of the Store, Addressed Post and Address section and upload at the bottom of the logo. This appears in emails and on the vouchers.

With the entered e-mail address, the e-mails are sent from the selected store.Click on the "Verify" button behind it to improve the delivery of the emails. Add these values to the domain that includes the entered email address belongs (for example,info@juwelierbos.nlbelongs to the domain You can also forward this data to the support of your hosting provider to add it.

Optional: Check out the other Store Settings tabs to set up to your liking. Some parts will come back below. More explanation of allStore settings

4. Create employees

Create the employees so that everyone works with their own name in the system. This is theManual.

5. Adding your brands and suppliers

Add all your brands and suppliers. This is important to gain direct access to suppliers' product information. Look at this for thisStep-by-step plan.

6. Create article groups (and revenue groups)

With article groups and turnover groups you get better insight into stock and sales. Create it once, so you can easily book products with it.FollowThis articlegroups roadmapto add or edit it. Optional: this also contains a link to create turnover groups.

7. Create shortcuts in the checkout

Create the desired quick buttons in the checkout. This is the roadmapCreate quick buttons

Does the article group not exist yet? Check the checkbox 'Create Article Group' checkbox at step 7 in the help article.

8. Create the desired payment methods in the checkout

Activate the desired standard payment methods and possibly create additional payment methods withThis roadmap.

9. Create workstations

It is best for each device to control printers, for example. We call this a workstation in PrismaNote.
Create a workstation per device withThe roadmap.

Also install the Printhelper programthe computers to which the printers are linkedWithThis roadmap.

10. Doing the course

All employees do the checkout course (This is the link)
The purchasing employees do the purchasing course (This is the link).

11. The use of PrismaNote is underway.

1. Book all items by means of a purchase order and label them. This gives each product a supplier, a purchase price and a sale price and it is easy to sell the product. Every article with, among other things, a photo is automatically shown on the webshop. This booking ofAll articlesIt takes time.

2. So from the first day booking, all unbooked items are sold by means of a cash register shortcut (step 7 above). After clicking on the shortcut, a nice description and the correct price can be filled in.

3. An item that has a label (and is therefore booked) is selected through the checkout at the sale instead of using the checkout. This is easy by scanning the barcode on the label. For example, the product is booked out and the stock is kept immediately.

During the first weeks it is therefore a combination of selling products that have been booked and that have not yet been booked. This works much better than first putting all products in the system, because sales continue and the stock is no longer correct.

Who pulls the cart?

Step one is to appoint a point of contact. With a nice word also called the project manager. Who guides the implementation?

This role is essential for a flawless transition. Therefore, additional tips for this feature:

  1. Make sure everyone is involved from the beginning and doesn't have to jump on a running train.
  2. Make sure you understand the system yourself. Next, see how the current way of working fits within the new system.
  3. Ensure that each employee understands which processes (something) will go differently and how.
  4. Make sure that all of the above steps are checked.
  5. Stay in control by not getting tense for all trolleys. Let employees also contact our Support for questions.
  6. Create a clear picture of the time planning and communicate it internally.
  7. Give everyone enough time to get used to before the implementation date and make it clear why the change is needed.

Additional tips to work with the system

It may take some getting used to in the first weeks, before you start to love the system.

Because there are more functions than you are used to, new processes and tasks are added for you.
For example, booking stock at article level and setting up turnover groups for more extensive reports.
You can then better serve the consumer and work better together with your suppliers.

Here are tips from jewelers who preceded you:
  1. If you don't understand something and you don't come out of the manual and videos, please contact support.
  2. Learning is doing as much as possible, because switching to a new system is always getting used to. It works slightly different from Jupa or DiamondR.
  3. Regularly review theUpdatesin the help center.
  4. Give each customer a name in the system and also introduce yourself to the customer.
  5. Displaying the products online and collecting customer data really makes the difference for us as a jeweler. So get started as soon as possible.

Yes! You can now start working more efficiently, collecting customer data and doing marketing. Still ambiguities? Contact us or consult theManual.

You can also read more about interesting topics:

  1. Why write down customer data instead of using "Balie customer"?
  2. Contact moments to make a difference
  3. 3 tips for a good stock optimization
  4. Online marketing: a content plan for you as a jeweler

Need support?

1. In the menu of the system you will see a button 'HELP'. By clicking on it, you can easily start a chat or view the manual in the system. You can also download the watch program 'Anydesk' here.

2. See also the help

3. WhatsApp us on+31 88 20 22 522(We can respond up to 24 hours after your message).

4. Send your email

5. Call us on +31 88 20 22 522 between 8:30 and 17:30 (on Saturday please only call in emergencies).

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