Explanation of shop settings

Explanation of shop settings

In the menu on the left, click "Shopping settings".

Below we cover the most important parts of the store settings per tab.

General Settings

At the top or bottom, click "Save" to save the changes.

Below is a brief explanation of the main fields:

Email address: With this e-mail address, the e-mails are sent from the selected store.

Click on the "Verify" button behind it to improve the delivery of the emails. Add these values to the domain that includes the entered email address belongs (for example, info@juwelierbos.nl belongs to the domain juwelierbos.nl). You can also forward this data to the support of your hosting provider to add it.

Website builder email address: This email address is linked to the website builder and is the same for all locations.

Logo: At the bottom of this tab, change the logo that becomes visible on the vouchers and in the emails.

2. Your brands

Adding brands (and suppliers) is essential to access supplier information. Look at this separate page with explanations.

3. Location management

Under location management, you can add additional locations. View the explanation of location management.

Checkout Settings

Here you will find all settings for the POS system.

1. Settings

Accounting mode - CV...........= If activated, it creates system accounting records for the accounting system (this is currently available for everyone).
Opening cash drawer with cash payment= By activating it, the cash drawer is automatically opened with the cash payment method.
Lock the checkout after each transaction= Activating it will show after each transaction the screen to select the employee for the next transaction
Enable POS for General User= With this the account with general rights is also using the cash register. You usually only turn on this if you do not necessarily want to register transactions on employee.
Show product details after adding to checkout= By activating it, the (last) hit product 'folded' is automatically displayed, so that all details are visible. The affected product / order line can be folded up in both cases by clicking on it.
Last bonn number: Each transaction has a bonn number. By adjusting this number, the next transaction will increase from this new number.
Last invoice number: If a transaction becomes converted to an invoice This last invoice number + 1 will be used.

Pocket number: This is the number of the repair bag in the store. This number is also ascending.
Prefix pouch number: (optional) It is possible to add an additional prefix. This is useful, for example, if you book repair bags per location.
Automatically increase bag number: By activating it, the bag number is automatically increased in the input field when creating a repair.
Pre-filling in cash register: By activating it, the last bag number +1 is automatically added when creating a repair. This can then still be changed per repair in the cash register.

Show in cash register
Order = Show the Order button at checkout, if you sometimes want to order products for customers from suppliers that you do not yet have in stock.
Buying gold = Show the Gold buy button in the cash register, for example if you do something with Old gold (or hide if you do nothing with old gold).
Opening drawer = An extra button in the cash register to open the cash drawer without cash payment.

Pre-fill information in cash register
1. This data can be pre-filled in the title of the product; name article group, label description, product number supplier, product name, diamond details
2. Various data can also be pre-filled in the description field.

This data will then appear on the voucher and can always be adjusted per transaction.

Select default article group
For the 'Order' and 'Repair' button, it is necessary to fill in an article group to drop the turnover in the right group. Here it is possible for both to select a standard article group. Connect the right supplier (or yourself as an "internal supplier") the article group on the editing page to fill it up as standard.

Closing cash register
Here institutions can be made for closing the cash register.

2. Payment methods

Here you can create and set all payment options. See the separate help article about payment methods.

3. Quick buttons
Here you can manage all the quick buttons in the checkout.See the separate help article about shortcuts.


Here you can manage the workplaces. Discover the explanation in the help article workstations.

At the top you will see the login details for the Printhelper program to print from the browser.
Also, on this tab all settings can easily be done for the vouchers and labels. Discover the help article print settings.
For a new layout of the label, it is best to contact us via support@prismanote.com

First aid if there is a problem:
- For the label / label printer go through these steps.
- For the thermal or laser jet printer go through these steps.

Payment integrations

On the 'Payment Integrations' tab, it is possible to link the PIN terminal of PAY to the desired workstation.
Read more about the linking PAY to PrismaNote or get more information if you request for a PAY link to set in motion.

Currently, we DO NOT recommend choosing the link with CCV.


This tab is currently not essential to fill in.

Webshop settings

Here all settings for the webshop can be done.

Savings points

Check out the help article Savings Points Program for an explanation of these institutions.

Employee access

Select the fields where the employee screen always appears to select the right employee.


Here the settings can be done for the day closing and reports.

1. At the top you can enable the distribution option by turnover group.
2. Select the paper size of the day closure and the fields you want to show on the day closing.

Fiskaly settings

This is currently important for the accounting of companies in Germany and Austria.


Purchase value calculation method:How do you want the purchase value to be registered?
Language:Select the default language of the system here
CSV export option:Select which CSV options you want to display/use if a csv file is exported.
Stock display based on supplier:

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